Monday, January 29, 2007


Introduction to GLITA

Sometimes as a Gay Liberal, you feel that there many in the country feel that with the lowering of the age of consent, the abolishing of Section 28 and the introduction of Civil Partnerships that there is nothing left to fight for.

Sometimes as a Gay Liberal, you feel that there are those within your party that feel the same way, and even those within the gay community itself.

Sometimes you feel that for your voice to be heard above all those who drown out your arguments against flighting, that you need to start afresh, with new views, new policies and a new fight.

Then you find others who are willing to listening and fight alongside you.

This is how the Gay Liberal Independant Thinkers Association or GLITA for short came about.

We don't feel that attacking other gay groups are the answer, we belive that they bring the fight in their way, and we will bring the fight in our way.

We just ordinary gay people, standing up for our rights and beliefs in equality.


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